Exhibition – WWETB

Clayton Whites Hotel Abbey St, Ferrybank South, Wexford


Jean English Exhibition

Clayton Whites Hotel Abbey St, Ferrybank South, Wexford

FREE EVENT Jean English's oil paintings take inspiration from nature and attempt to capture the magic of natural lighting. Hotel Reception (Ground Floor) Friday October...

Carol Ann Waldron Exhibition

Clayton Whites Hotel Abbey St, Ferrybank South, Wexford

  FREE EVENT Carol Ann Waldron's oil paintings are a symphony of colour and movement, influenced strongly by emotion before ideas. Hotel Reception (Ground Floor)...

South East Maker’s Market

Clayton Whites Hotel Abbey St, Ferrybank South, Wexford

  FREE EVENT Assemblage of quality artisan pieces by master craftspeople. Hotel Reception (Ground Floor) Friday October 27 - Sunday November 5th  9am - 5pm

Mary Wallace Exhibition

Clayton Whites Hotel Abbey St, Ferrybank South, Wexford

  FREE EVENT Exquisite mixed media paintings merging the beauty of Japanese pottery with Irish garden flowers. Business Centre Reception (First Floor) Friday October 27...

Pauline Quigley Exhibition

Clayton Whites Hotel Abbey St, Ferrybank South, Wexford

FREE EVENT Bright, interesting art, both transparent and transcendent, through the medium of glass. Business Centre Reception (First Floor) Friday October 27 - Sunday November...

Marley Irish Exhibition

Clayton Whites Hotel Abbey St, Ferrybank South, Wexford

FREE EVENT Marley Irish's collection of vivid oils and acrylics evoke deep emotion in a collection titled "Romance of Life".  Pembroke Suite: Business Centre(First Floor)...

Eamon Byrne Exhibition

Clayton Whites Hotel Abbey St, Ferrybank South, Wexford

FREE EVENT A serene reflection of the artist's experiences in nature. Pembroke Suite: Business Centre (First Floor) Friday October 27 - Sunday November 5th  9am...