2024 Wexford Fringe Advertising Booking Form

2024 Wexford Fringe Guide Advertising Booking Form

Booking Notice:


County Wexford Chamber reserves the right to refuse or amend an advertisement to ensure that it is in keeping with the guide. Space is limited and is offered on a first-come first-served basis.

All advertisements must be paid prior to guide going to print.

Advertising Rates

(148mm (w) x 210mm (h) +Min 3mm bleed on perimeter) PRICE €800 + VAT @ 23%
(148mm (w) x 210mm (h) +Min 3mm bleed on perimeter) PRICE €750 + VAT @ 23%
(148mm (w) x 210mm (h) +Min 3mm bleed on perimeter) PRICE €600 + VAT @ 23%
(128mm (w) x 90mm (h) (Landscape only) PRICE €420 + VAT @ 23%
(59mm (w) x 90mm (h) (Portrait only) PRICE €220 + VAT @ 23%

Or Download Form Here:

2024 Fringe Advertising Booking Form